If you're not aware of Serverless Application Repository Service, I'd suggest you to read What is AWS Serverless Application Repository? before going through the FAQ.
Serverless applications eliminate the need to provision, deploy, or manage servers or other infrastructure. They come with built-in high availability and they scale continuously and automatically. You can use one of the many fully managed AWS services to build and run serverless applications, including AWS Lambda for compute, Amazon API Gateway for APIs, and Amazon DynamoDB for databases.
The AWS Serverless Application Repository offers a growing collection of serverless applications published by AWS and other AWS partners and developers. The Serverless Application Repository makes it easy to deploy applications for common use cases like web and mobile back-ends, stream processing, machine learning, and more, so you can quickly get started with the AWS Serverless platform.
Serverless applications are deployed as AWS CloudFormation stacks, which make it easy for you to manage an application as a single unit. Each resource is tagged with the application’s uniquely identifiable Amazon Resource Name (ARN), which helps you locate the resources using the AWS Tag Editor console. You can also use existing AWS and third-party tools to manage each resource separately.
To publish a serverless application, describe the application using the AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) format, package it using the AWS CLI, and publish it using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or AWS SDKs. You must have a valid AWS account, and you will be required to provide a name, description, source code link, and a LICENSE.txt for your application. Applications that are intended to be made available to any AWS customer must be published in either the US East (N. Virginia) or US East (Ohio) regions.
A nested serverless application is a component that is deployed as part of another serverless application. As serverless architectures grow, common patterns emerge in which the same components are defined in multiple application templates. You can now separate out common patterns as dedicated applications and then nest them as part of new or existing application templates.
Nested applications are deployed as AWS CloudFormation nested stacks.
Reference: AWS Serverless Application Repository FAQs