Preparing for a certification is quite the experience, let me tell you. You think you’ve got all the knowledge in the world until you take those practice tests and realize, "Hmmm, it’s gonna take some serious work." But guess what? I passed the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate exam yesterday, and let me tell […]
Category: AWS
Amazon Cloudfront FAQ
If you’re not aware of Amazon Cloudfront Service, I’d suggest you to read What is Amazon Cloudfront? before going through the FAQ. With CloudFront, your files are delivered to end-users using a global network of edge locations. Amazon CloudFront employs a global network of edge locations and regional edge caches that cache copies of your […]
AWS Serverless Application Repository FAQ
If you’re not aware of Serverless Application Repository Service, I’d suggest you to read What is AWS Serverless Application Repository? before going through the FAQ. Serverless applications eliminate the need to provision, deploy, or manage servers or other infrastructure. They come with built-in high availability and they scale continuously and automatically. You can use one […]
If you’re not aware of AWS IAM Web Service, I’d suggest you to read What is AWS IAM? before going through the FAQ. You can use AWS IAM to securely control individual and group access to your AWS resources. You can create and manage user identities ("IAM users") and grant permissions for those IAM users […]
Amazon EC2 FAQ
If you’re not aware of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Service, I’d suggest you to read What is Amazon EC2? before going through the FAQ. Starting July 2018, all newly created EC2 resources will receive longer format IDs. The new format will be -, e.g. “vpc-1234567890abcdef0” for VPCs or “subnet-1234567890abcdef0” for subnets. Impact analysis: Some failure […]